We understand that qualified Orton-Gillingham teacher training courses may become available throughout the calendar year that we may not be aware of and/or may not have listed at the present time. If the training center or class that you are interested in applying to is not listed below, please contact us at least one month in advance of the course start date. Please allow one month for the committee to contact the center to determine if the course meets IDA standards. However, there is no guarantee that this program will be approved unless the teacher training program/course meets IDA standards. Please review our Teacher Training Scholarships page and guidelines document for complete details. Current scholarships are available up to $1500 per course, not to exceed the cost of the class and required materials.
For more information about what constitutes IDA standards for classroom teachers, please visit our national IDA website.
The Kansas- Missouri Branch of the International Dyslexia Association developed the Teacher Training Scholarship Program to provide educators in our bi-state region an opportunity to receive financial assistance for instruction in structured literacy. We use the National IDA’s list of accredited programs found here as our guide for programs that meet IDA standards. Occasionally, other programs are approved on a case by case basis with necessary materials and information provided to our Scholarship Committee for review. KSMO IDA does not endorse specific workshops or trainings to support students with dyslexia and receipt of scholarship funds from the KSMO IDA branch is not indicative of their endorsement.
AIM Institute for Researching and Learning
Pathways to Proficient Reading Course
Location: Online
Cost: $550
Register: https://events.veracross.com/aim/347-Pathways-to-Proficient-Reading-01-05-2021
OR https://institute.aimpa.org/aim-pathways/aim-pathways-individual-cohort
Contact: kkeesey@AIMPA.org
Apple Group
Connections OG in 3D
Location: Jonesboro, AR, Bloomfield, MO or Virtual
Cost: $2100 to $2300 for training
Check website for course dates.
Register at http://applegroupdyslexia.com/
Brainspring Academy:
Phonics First Level 1
Location: Only In person or Livestream options
Cost: $1295 (in person) or $1095 (Livestream)
Five day course
To enroll: https://brainspring.com/
Churchill Center & School:
To register for classes: contact Mary Brotherton at mbrotherton@churchillstl.org or call 314-997-4343
Website: http://www.churchillstl.org/outreach-workshops/language-training/
Orton-Gillingham (Wilson) 3-Day Introductory Training
Location: St. Louis, MO
Cost: $675
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Materials are an additional cost and must be purchased at www.wilsonlanguage.com
Fundations K – Location: St. Louis, MO
Fundations Level 1 – Location: St. Louis, MO
Fundations Level 2 – Location: St. Louis, MO
Fundations workshops are 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM.
Cost for any level of Fundations: $300 plus the cost of materials.
Materials are an additional coast and can be purchased at www.wilsonlanguage.com
Fundamental Learning Center:
Literacy Intervention Specialist Introductory Course
Location: Wichita, KS and virtual class
Multi day course. (8:30 AM-4:30 PM daily
Cost: $2,882.00 + materials tax ($2,275.00 tuition + $607 materials) Deposit: $700
3 graduate credit hours from Friends University for an additional $255
Fundamental Learning Center: Take Flight Level I
Multi day course
Total Cost: $3,622.50 + tax
($2,725.00 tuition + $897.50 materials)
Deposit: $700.00
3 graduate credit hours from Friends University for an additional $255
To register: www.funlearn.org
(316) 684-7323
Horizon Academy
Orton-Gillingham Classroom Educator Training
Location: currently online
Cost: $1,150
June (dates not posted at this time) multi day
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
To register: http://horizon-academy.org/o-g-training/
IMSE (Institute for Multi-Sensory Education)
Virtual Comprehensive Orton-Gillingham Training or Intermediate Training
Accredited by the Orton-Gillingham Academy
Must include instructor interaction and feedback via online meeting format.
**Check the website for up to date offerings.
Location: currently online in a virtual format
Multiple offerings from Dec 2020- May 2021
Cost : $1175
8:00 AM- 3:30 PM
4901 Reinhardt Drive
Roeland Park, KS 66205
To register: Registrations@Orton-Gillingham.com or call 844-325-3149
Learning Abilities:
Phonics Fundamentals: An Orton-Gillingham Approach to Teaching Reading
??June 2021 ((dates not posted at this time) Monday-Friday
Location: Parkville, MO
3:00 PM- 6:40 PM
Cost: $500 includes materials
To register: Call (816)505-9865 or go to https://www.learningabilities.net/
LETRS: KS Offered through TASN.
Applicants must participate in the kick-off as well as all four virtual support sessions to be eligible for a scholarship for the materials reimbursement.
Virtual Units 1- 4
Location: online
Cost: Training is free
Materials: $349
Register at www.ksdetasn.org
LETRS: MO Offered through local RPDC.
**Only the blended format is approved for scholarships. Applicants must participate in all four end of unit trainings with RPDC facilitator in a face to face or virtual format. The online only self-paced format is not approved. Contact your local RPDC for additional dates and locations for LETRS blended trainings. **
LETRS: MO Offered through local RPDC (Continued) Cost: $400 plus $349 for materials
Location: Kansas City
Volume 1: Units 1-4 Year 1
Contact: Heidi Newlon
Location: Springfield
Volume 1: Units 1-4 Year 1
Contact: Jana Loge
Location: Northeast Truman University
Volume 1
Contact: Sheila Thurman
Location: Northeast Truman University
Volume 2
Contact: Shelia Thurman
Location: Northwest RPDC
Volume 1
Contact: Jane Jackson
Volume 2
Contact: Jane Jackson
Location: Southeast MO Campus
Volume 1 (Cohort 1):
Contact: Cindy Rodgers
Location: Southeast MO Campus
Volume 1 (Cohort 2):
Contact: Cindy Rodgers
Location: Southeast MO Campus
Volume 2
Contact: Cindy Rodgers
Course 1 (Structure of Written English)
Course 2 (Multisensory Structured Literacy Instruction
Location: online
Cost of each class: $350 tuition for 3 month access to online materials, resources, assessments, and final exam. Classes must be taken in order.
To register: courses@Lexercise.com Attn: Liz
OG Instruction Learning Centre: AOGPE
Classroom Educator Training (5 days)
Cost: $1000
Associate Level Training (8 days)
Cost: $1600
Location: online (zoom)
Consult the website for dates.
Please contact Laurie Leason for more information.
To register: www.OGinstruction.com
Laurie Leason, Fellow/AOGPE
RTTTT (Reading Teachers for Top Ten Tools)
IDA Accreditation Course
Top Ten Tools Accreditation course
Location: Online
Cost: $700
To register: https://readingteacherstoptentools.com/enroll/
Springfield Center for Dyslexia and Learning:
Take Flight Introductory Course
Location: Springfield, MO
(Cox Health South Campus)
To register, contact Jayna Bruns: jayna@scdlmo.com
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